Tuesday, October 23, 2012

lecture response - week 12

an experience, a first person experience.  doesn't matter what it looks like 50m from the sky.  what does it feel like at ground zero.  So in this project i intend to concentrate on the user's experience at a human scale - what we see from our eyes (with our feet flat on the ground).  what we touch, where we walk and how we move through the design.

function or form - in previous years, i have focused on pushing the boundaries and designing out of the box literally.  Odd forms, interesting to the eye exterior skins.  throughout this semester my vision to design smartly has evolved, i believe.  I have of course learnt and been exposed to new theories which has altered the way in which i design.  

One aspect to a sustainable design for me means designing for construction.  Construction methods that are simple and don't consume inappropriate energy just to produce an interesting odd shape.  Louis Kahn quotes "let a brick be a brick".  To me this means use materials in a way that they have for 1000s of years.  Just cause we can do it, doesn't mean we have to.  Placing a restrain (in a sense) on how we use materials can reduce the energy required to create any design.  this is one principle in which i wish to abide by for my design.  

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