Thursday, August 30, 2012

lecture response - week 5


technology |tekˈnäləjē|
noun ( pl. -gies)
the application of scientific knowledge for practical purposes, esp. in industry : advances in computer technology | recycling technologies.
machinery and equipment developed from such scientific knowledge.
the branch of knowledge dealing with engineering or applied sciences.

What is a technological advance?  Projecting forward beyond our means in pursuit of accomplishment?  

image: Integral Theory. (Peter Buchanan)

Technology is only concerned with one quadrant of the Integral Theory approach which limits us to the superfluous tangible environments.

‘Integral theory is concerned with integrating, or bringing into relationship, knowledge fragmented between specialisms’ (Peter Buchanan)

To achieve a ‘sustainable’ future, we cannot merely rely on technological advancements.  To take a step away from physical technological is also an advancement moving forward.  Enlightening our conscious and sub-conscious to the realization that we need to change a train of thought on how we perceive the world and our environments is crucial to our evolution.

Summarizing our essential needs into; moving, dwelling, eating, making and breathing draws us back to the fundamental elements of being.  For we have evolved into a race of doing, not BEING.  The majority of beings have evolved in a world that admires mostly technological advancements.  And in doing so, we have created a world of machines.  Our focus, our energy is absorbed into a superficial world.  Wipe the slate clean – impossible.  Create a notion, a movement, a energy towards an integral way of life, which I believe is the only solution evolution.  A BALANCE

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