Thursday, September 27, 2012

lecture response - week 9

We create SPACES & in turn users create PLACES

Considering our design from a micro level, re-awakens me as to why we as architects exist.  Why we strive to create meaningful places.  

It seems too often these days, you see a design and think the designer's ego has got the better of themselves.  Maybe the designer wanted the building to be recognized space, maybe they wanted to have a more appeasing design to the surrounding buildings.  Design is not about competing against other building.  Designing spaces is about placing emphasis on creating spaces for humans, trees, animals, insects and so on to exist with one another.  We need designs that encourage biodiversity.  We as humans don't stand alone in this cycle of life systems, we are inter-connected through every living and non-living organism.

Designing from a micro level is about creating a platform, creating spaces that encourages activities to take place.  We should not dictate which activities go where.  More provide the means for users to create their own meanings.  

From the lecture it seemed that left over spaces, which were not intended by the designer to be habitable spaces, became habitable places.  It seems the poorer (with regards to the monetary system) the user is, the more they can achieve with fewer instruments and be content.  Is it that they know no better, or they simply do not need more to survive and enjoy an exchange with another person.  The simple offering - of exchanging a social activity.  

We as designers need to create ENGAGING SPACE, not only engaging within the realms of a community, a social system, a cultural system, a economical and natural system, but also the basic level - for people, people to be people.

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