Thursday, September 20, 2012

site selection & analysis - week 8

IN THE RED CORNER – Ceremony Hil
+ existing open land
+ visible from road entrance/major entry path
+ Views accessible to East
- minimal shade
/ potential for further development
+ space to build prototypes – close proximity
+ landscape from scratch, where needed
+ beacon to larger local context
- possible storm threats
+ high and dry from flood path
+ bushfire threat – minimal threat
- clearing of troposurf

IN THE BLUE CORNER – Amphitheatre & existing slope
+ engaged with existing amphitheater
+ shaded from existing trees
+ views accessible
- noise impact when festival is on
+ adapt when festival is on
- trees may need re-locating
- high and dry from flood path
+ complement Amphitheatre
+++++ utilization of existing natural infrastructure
+views of the people
+ views of nature
+ portion of design may have a higher bushfire threat

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